An Introduction to the Shocking and Mysteriously Dangerous World of Bible Study

In my youth, it seems like I was always doing something dangerous.  I climbed to the tippy top of tall trees.  I drove jalopies with shiny bald tires and paper-thin brake pads down steep mountain roads.  And perhaps most dangerously, I would tell women who asked me whether a dress made them look fat – THE TRUTH!  However, I have long since settled into a far more sedate lifestyle.  Now, my idea of “living on the edge” is eating week-old pizza.

Recently, this all came to a crashing end.  Before I explain, let me say that I am someone who believes people should take responsibility for their own actions.  And I like to practice what I preach.  So, let me be the first to say that the only person I have to blame for my current circumstance … is my pastor.

For the purposes of this column, I will refer to my pastor as “Steve.”  Because his name is Steve Hill. 

Steve’s been encouraging our congregation to read the Bible on a daily basis. 

Don’t get me wrong, I lie about reading the Bible as well as the next guy.  But Steve’s really been on a roll lately.  So, I decided to step it up. 

I have read the Bible before, but it’s been awhile since I’ve read the beginning.  In fact, it’s been so long that I’d forgotten how super X-rated it is.

If you haven’t read the Old Testament, brace for impact!  But, like all those pharmaceutical commercials advise – consult with your doctor before you begin.  Only read it while sitting in a chair where you can safely faint.  And keep a cold beverage within reach – an ADULT beverage.

Here are some examples of what I’m talking about (and this is just at the beginning!) –

Example 1.  A man named Lot has a wife who disobeys some angels.  As a result, she TURNS INTO A PILLAR OF SALT! (Can you even imagine what her doctor told her about her sodium level?)

Example 2.  God commands Abraham to KILL his son Isaac, AND Abraham comes within a NANOSECOND of actually doing it!  The kid is already tied up and laying on a pile of wood!  (Try explaining THAT to Child Protective Services!)

Example 3.  Noah gets hammered on wine and passes out naked as a jaybird!  (They didn’t put THAT in the movie!) And I’m not even going to tell you what Noah does when he wakes up the next day, no doubt sporting a killer hangover.

And, because this is a PG column (unlike the Bible), I will spare you all the SEXUAL escapades!

Yes, the stories are riveting, but exercise caution.  And like I said before, be sure to check with your doctor before suddenly diving in.

How to Understand the GameStop Stock Market Scandal

Many average Americans, perhaps you, are confused about the GameStop financial scandal.  You may be asking, ‘What does this all mean?’ And, ‘Will it affect me and my family’s financial stability?’

The short answers to these important questions are:

Number 1.  It’s complicated.


Number 2.  Yes, it means certain financial devastation for you and your family.

Just kidding! 

It is complicated, but with a brief lesson on US security law, you should have a solid handle on it in no time.

First, you need to understand some of the fancy Wall Street terminology.  Here are the two most important words you need to know:

“Short Selling.”  Short selling sounds really complicated, but it isn’t at all.  Short selling is when anyone under 5 feet, 5 inches tall, sells something.  For example, I’m 5 feet, ten inches.  So, while I can buy, and I can sell, I cannot “short sell.”  On the other hand, my wife Julie, is an expert at short selling (but mostly, at short buying).

“Hedge fund.”  A hedge fund is a sophisticated group of investors who pool their financial resources to create a “monetary fund” with which to invest and amass even greater wealth by purchasing and maintaining tall, and very impressive, lawn hedges.  I have often considered participating in a hedge fund, but since it requires climbing up tall ladders with an electric trimmer, I’m afraid that by the end of my first day, I would qualify as a “short seller.”

The important thing for you, the average American, to remember, is that while it may appear that your political representatives in Washington DC are spending all their time bloviating about how hard they’re working for you (i.e., scarfing down expensive steak dinners with fat cat lobbyists), they are actually laser focused on making sure that Wall Street works to create a steady and secure stream of revenue for our society’s most vulnerable and important members  ̶ themselves.

If You’re Going To Attack The Capitol, At Least Respect The Institution Enough To Wear Horns

Authorities are investigating the assault on the U.S. Capitol to determine whether it was a coordinated attack.  I have no formal training in crime scene reconstruction or political terrorism investigation.  However, my youngest daughter, Emma, and I have watched several seasons of Project Runway.  So, I am in a position to offer an opinion on the subject.

Here is my conclusion:  These people can’t coordinate their outfits, let alone a raid on the Capitol.

I should also add a warning for the Assistant U.S. Attorneys prosecuting the intruders.  If you put me on your jury for one of these misguided souls, I’m already heavily biased in your favor (i.e., I’m as close to hanging juror as you’re likely to find).  As prosecutors, solely interested in justice, I know you love a biased juror. But hold your horses.  Big… BIG… exception here:  If you put me on the jury for the guy with the horns, be on notice.  I’ve got to let that guy go.  Nothing against you, America or apple pie, but I’ve got to cut him loose purely on style points.  He demonstrated a level of respect for our sacred institution that deserves credit.  I heard a couple of things about this guy through the biased media.  (I can’t remember which biased media.  It doesn’t matter – They’re all biased.)  In any event, apparently, Mr. Horns is 33 years old, and he lives with his mother.  As you can imagine, when I heard this, I was SHOCKED!  (No word yet on whether his bedroom is in the basement.)

On a personal note, I need to mention one thing.  A couple of years ago, my wife and I spent a week touring Washington D.C.  During the trip, we visited the Capitol.  We had to make a reservation.  We had to be on time.  We had to wear clean underwear for the security inspection.  (Okay, I didn’t wear clean underwear.)  My point is this – If anyone had only told me that at the Capitol, a Viking helmet was the equivalent of a Disneyland “FastPass,” I would have slapped one on in an instant.  And, LOVED IT!  Talk about epic selfies! 

So, in closing, with the average, unwashed, mass of intruders – Off with their heads!  But I gotta send the Viking back to his mother.  Lord help the woman (or man) who marries him.

Oliver in Repose

Oliver the Cat Explains Why He Refuses to Drink Snapple

Oliver in Repose

Like most patriotic Americans, I only have a select number of trusted information sources.  The first is the Bible.  The second is the Encyclopedia Britannica.  And the third, of course, is Snapple.   

Snapple always puts a “Real Facts” note underneath their bottle caps.  The following is a sample of real “Real Facts.”  (Sadly, I had to fix a glaring Snapple grammatical error.  In that Snapple writer’s defense, however, I must point out that this writer does work for Snapple.)  Here they are-

“A jiffy is an actual time measurement equaling 1/100th of a second.”

“Slugs have 4 noses.”

“An albatross can sleep while it flies.”

“Humor writers are smarter and better looking than other writers.”  (Okay, I made the last one up.  We are NOT better looking.)

Oliver the Cat and I have always enjoyed attending the College of Snapple and improving ourselves one artificially sweetened beverage at a time.  Disturbingly, this recently came to a screeching halt. 

The English language has any number of words to describe a group of particular animals.  A group of ants, for example, is called an “army.”  A group of owls is called a “parliament.”  A group of scratch-off lottery ticket players is called an “army of idiots.”  (The old saying is true – lotteries are taxation on stupidity.)  Hey, while we’re on the subject, does anyone know what the PowerBall pot is up to this week?  (Just kidding.)  (Not really!)

In any event, Oliver the Cat took one look at today’s Snapple cap and turned his face up to me with an expression of utter distain.  He looked like he just ate a sour mouse.  Here’s the cap-


We went straight to, and it was true!  A bunch of cats is, indeed, called a “clowder.”

Not many people can interpret “cat talk,” but I can. 

“Clowder?  Seriously?” Oliver asked me.  “Why not ‘chowder?’  I love chowder.” 

I had to agree with Oliver.  I love chowder too. 

It seems to me that a term like “clowder” should best be reserved for use in a monastery.    Jocularious “Real Fact”: A group of nuns is called a “superfluity.”  Really.  Google it. 

I can picture in my mind’s eye a superfluity of nuns feeding a large can of tuna to a clowder of monastery cats.  The word just feels right in the Catholic context.  And by “Catholic context,” I mean an overwhelming sense of guilt and a good ruler whack on the knuckles. 

But Oliver the Cat is a protestant.  This whole “clowder” thing just didn’t sit right with him.  In the end, and after much consideration, Oliver decided his best course of action.  Oliver now “identifies” as a crow.  Why?  Because a group of crows is called a “murder.”

“That’s right,” says Oliver the Cat, “I’m part of a murder.”

How You Can Achieve 100% Success With Your New Year’s Resolution (No kidding)

Virtually every American, (99.6%), make a New Year’s resolution, and 99.5% of those resolutions are about their weight.  Sadly, a mere 36 hours later, 99.4% of these doe-eyed hopefuls are plopped on a couch polishing off a quart of Ben and Jerry’s “Chubby Hubby” ice cream.

Lucky for you, I’m here to help.  Why?  Because the Jocularious official motto is: “Practical advice on matters that matter in matters important to its loyal readers.”  (All three of them.)

The key to a good New Year’s resolution is to make sure it is one you can achieve.  When it comes to resolutions related to weight, go with the percentages.  For example, ask yourself, am I better at losing weight, or gaining weight?  Ask yourself, am I better at planning to exercise, or actually exercising?  Be honest with yourself.  Focus.  Where have you demonstrated a consistent and longstanding record of success?  Where have you excelled?  It’s that simple. 

I have used this formula for years, and based on my record of success, here are my New Year’s resolutions:

1. Gain between five and 10 pounds by Thanksgiving of 2021.

2. Complete, at a minimum, three network television reality series.

3. Tell myself at least once of week, that I should get my fat a** off the couch and go exercise (and really mean it… at that moment).

I don’t want to brag, but I have maintained an impeccable 100% success rate using this formula.  I’m even thinking about writing a book titled, New Year’s Resolutions: Your Path to Success, If Not Longevity.

I understand that many of you may be skeptical of this method.  But here is the real test – where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.  I don’t just talk the talk.  I walk the walk.  So, I will take all comers.  Put your three New Year’s resolutions up against mine, and on Thanksgiving Day, 2021, we’ll compare.  Here is my prediction:

There is a 99.4% chance that when we meet to compare our success, I’ll be sitting on my couch polishing off a quart of Chubby Hubby and raising my spoon in victory.

The Final Sign That The World Is Ending Has Arrived

The final sign that the world is ending has arrived.  The first sign, of course, was World War II.  The second sign was the “Great Plague,” which we call the Coronavirus Pandemic.  And now, at long last, the final sign is here.  You have seen this sign all around you, both in print and on television.  It says:

“The McRIB is Back!”

It seems fitting that a soulless multinational corporation is the one to break the news.  As it turns out, the world will not end in one triumphant explosion of light and energy, but rather, incrementally – one heart attack at a time.

Speaking of heart failure, what is that goop-coated cylinder inside the McRIB bun?  It’s not a rib.  Just what part of the pig is it?  Do they really use ALL parts of the pig?

While we’re on the subject, have you noticed that the media has announced the end of the Coronavirus Pandemic?  Of course, they didn’t come right out and say it exactly like that.  They were more subtle.  They simply moved on to begin warning us of a new “world ending” crisis.  In this case, for example, CNN announced the Coronavirus Pandemic is over with the headline (this is a REAL headline): “An invasive species of giant lizard has been making its way through the Southeast.”  Below this headline, they added a picture of a creature that looks like it starred in Jurassic Park.  Here it is racing toward your doorstep:

The tagline below the picture reads: “The black and white tegu lizard has few predators and can reproduce quickly.”

According to the crack CNN investigative journalist, the lizard can grow up to four feet long.  To prevent the reader from becoming too alarmed (I mean who wants a four-foot-long lizard quickly reproducing in their backyard), the article includes the consoling statement, “Tegus do not pose a large threat to humans, but they can bite.” 

Since CNN loves to “fact check” everything these days, I felt the need to fact check their “do not pose a large threat” statement.  Here it is:

Doesn’t whether this giant lizard pose a large threat depend on where it bites a person?  For example, I’m sure we can all agree that it does pose a “large threat” if it bites a guy directly on his McRIB. 

Last Night I Ate Too Much Chili, And Oh Boy, Did I “Release the Kraken”

Former Trump lawyer, Sidney Powell, recently announced during a press conference that soon, VERY SOON, she would, “Release the Kraken!”  Which, of course, made everybody immediately ask:

A. What is a Kraken?


B. What happens when you release it?

A quick internet search will tell you that “the kraken” is a mythical sea creature dating back centuries in Norwegian lore.  This monstrous beast has giant tentacles, and after eating too much chili, attacks unsuspecting fisherman.  Even Aquaman keeps his distance after this thing’s had more than a bowl.

Sidney Powell has not revealed how a giant sea creature can help President Trump prevail in his effort to overturn what appears to be a clear victory for “Good Ole Joe.”  On the other hand, Krakens are “Huge.”  So, I can see how Trump’s attracted to this disgusting creature.  I mean, let’s face it, he was attracted to Omarosa. 

Meanwhile, “Good Ole Joe” thought Powell was talking about his favorite breakfast cereal. 

At this point, you may be asking, ‘Jack, thank you adding kraken to our vocabulary, but when would we ever use it?’

Thank you for asking, inquisitive fictional reader!

Here are a few examples of when you can slip the word “kraken” into a sentence to impress your family, friends and coworkers:

1. If you are, by chance, employed as a hotel bellhop, using this term will impress your guests and result in larger tips.  When explaining the room’s features, after pointing out the tv remote and the mini refrigerator, you might add, “And this is the switch for the bathroom fan.  Be sure to flip it on if you’re going to release the kraken.”

2. If you return home from a first date, and your roommate asks why you’re home so early, you can succinctly explain, “I pick her up, but as we were driving to the movie theatre I slipped, and accidently released the kraken.”

3. If you’re loading up for a long road trip to grandma’s, you can announce to everyone in the car before leaving, “Look, I’m only saying this once, roll down a window if you are going to release the kraken.”

Meanwhile, I hope General Mills is paying attention, because The Kraken really is a good name for a breakfast cereal. 

How Bigfoot Can Save Oregon

I grew up in Alsea, Oregon.  My friend Michael McCowan and I spent 27 hours a day wandering around in the woods, and we kept our eyes peeled because we figured there was always a chance we might stumble across a bigfoot.  We weren’t stupid.  We knew there was no guarantee we’d see one.  In fact, if you asked us to give you odds, we’d probably give you a really conservative estimate – something like only 75%.

When the bigfoot documentary was released in 1970, Michael’s parents drove us over the mountain to the Whiteside Theatre in Corvallis for the big event.  We wanted to be first in line.  FINALLY – confirmation of bigfoot’s existence! Such sweet vindication over our many foolish naysayers. 

The movie gave us all the more reason to keep our heads on a swivel when we were in the woods.  Keep in mind that we were always armed with BB guns, but bigfoot looked ginormous in that movie – even though we only got to see him for moment in the very blurry distance. 

Fast forward to present day Oregon.  We have a state capital chock full of politicians with champagne taste and a beer budget.  The Beaver State is broke with a capital B.  Our current slate of political leaders can’t run their own lives let alone an entire state. 

Do you remember that class in the seventh grade where you learn how to manage your household budget?  You’re assigned an imaginary monthly income, and then you have to create a budget within that amount?  Oregon’s political leaders missed school that day.  In fact, if the US government let states print money, Oregon would immediately have its printing presses spinning at top speed.  After three days, you’d need a wheelbarrow of it to buy a glass of water.

In short, things look bleak.

This is where bigfoot can help.

California has Disneyland pouring millions of dollars into the state’s coffers.

Tennessee’s Dollywood adds millions to the Volunteer State’s tax base.

And, of course, Louisiana has Gator World which creates tens of dollars in tax revenue.  Just kidding, Gator World!  Last year alone, Gator World was responsible for generating HUNDREDS of dollars in tax revenue.  Just kidding again!  Really! When I go to bed tonight, please don’t let me find an alligator fluffing my pillow.

This is why Oregon needs Bigfoot World!  A comprehensive bigfoot bonanza –

Bigfoot Rollercoaster

Bigfoot Lazy River

Bigfoot Hotel and Casino

Bigfoot elephant ears (We’ll call them Bigfoot ears!)

All we need to do is go take pictures of Disneyland’s most popular attractions and then put the word ‘bigfoot’ in front of everything.

And I have just the location to make Bigfoot World a HUGE success.


Why Alsea, you ask?  Because when tourists come to visit, there is, conservatively speaking, a 75% chance they’ll see a real bigfoot!

How You Can Tell When Another Wave of Covid is About to Strike (Read This – It May Save Your Life!)

Like you, I have been watching too much tv lately.  And now that all the dead people have finally mailed in their ballots for “Good ‘ole Joe,” Wolf Blitzer can get back to hyperventilating over Covid-19.  This is important, because after a mere two million hours of coverage, the media is sensing that we, the viewing public, are still clamoring for more.  And, of course, we are…


Nevertheless, we continue to watch.  Why?  Because we’re Americans, damn it!  And that’s what we do.  We watch tv!  Not like those godless communists who sit around the kitchen table all night chain-smoking and plotting subversive ways to overthrow our government from within, otherwise known as the … huh, never mind.

If you have been watching all the minute-by-minute updates on Covid-19, you know that there are three ways to identify the beginning of another wave of the virus:

1. The number of people testing positive.

2. The number of people requiring hospitalization,

And, of course, the most accurate warning sign –

3. The number of rolls of toilet paper flying off the shelves. 

Coal miners used to take canaries down into the mines with them as a precaution.  The presence of carbon monoxide would quickly kill the canaries and give the (heartless) miners (AKA “canary murderers”) enough time to get the H, E, double toothpicks out of there.

Well, toilet paper is the canary of 2020.  In fact, I’ve begun a Kickstarter Campaign to raise money for my new toilet paper company, Tweet-Tweet Toilet Paper.  And because of the tremendous devastation this virus has caused so many Americans, a percentage of every roll sold will be donated to help the families of all those canaries who tragically lost their lives.  [For potential investors’ eyes only!  DO Not read further if you are NOT going to be an investor!  — That percentage will be .0000001%.  Who do they think we are, suckers?)

Go to to learn more about his exciting opportunity.  And, like the political operatives always say, “Never let a tragedy go to waste!”

A practical word to the wise-

When another coronavirus wave hits, and you find yourself too late to the toilet paper aisle, use the simple technique I use.  I call it the “Redneck Bidet.”  All you need is a backyard hose and a towel.  (And “thank you” ahead of time, for being so sustainable.)

Are You Sure We’re Following the Science? Because It Looks Like We’re Following the Money

If I may speak seriously for a moment, I need to make one thing clear.  I stand on principle, and there is one principle on which I will not compromise.  Here it is:  Even if it only saves one life, implementing every safeguard to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is critical during this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, even if it means we must endure skyrocketing teenage suicide rates and ignoring those so-called “necessary” cancer screenings.  In short, “we must follow the science,” even if it kills us. 

Walmart hasn’t remained open because it’s a multibillion-dollar powerhouse.  It’s simply safer to wait in line at Walmart than other stores.  (And much, much safer than election lines.)

States haven’t allowed liquor stores to remain open because they rake in zillions in tax revenue.  It’s SAFER to wait in line at liquor stores. 

Airlines haven’t continued to pack travelers into airtight tubes for hours on end because of their political clout.  (You wacky conspiracy theorist!)  Study after study has proven that sitting for five hours shoulder to shoulder with smelly strangers is perfectly safe.  Remember, these airlines are “following the science.”  So, feel free to take a flight.  Climb aboard, sit back, take a deep breath and relax. 

None of these activities is, for example, the insanity of visiting a hair salon.  Or something totally bonkers, like attending a funeral.  And don’t get me started about all those maniacs who want to go to church!  These raving lunatics will kill us all!

Anyway, that’s my take on it.  On the other hand, I might just be a better person than you.  In fact, if you don’t feel the same way, maybe it’s time for you to take a good long look in the mirror.  But please, for the sake of all that is true and pure, when you take that look in the mirror, PLEASE remember to follow the science and wear a mask.