Millennials take a break from coifing their man-buns to begin another irritating trend

There is a recent trend among millennials.  They have taken a break from coifing their man-buns and drinking “locally roasted” “small batch” coffee, to start a new irritating trend.  They’re buying record players.  I first noticed this when my millennial daughter bought one.  Then my millennial nephew.  It’s an epidemic.  But here’s the rub – […]

Why You Should Cash Out Your 401K and Buy French Bulldogs (Despite All the Farting)

My investment advisor recently told me that the stock market is ripe for a “correction.”  “Correction” is code for, “Hold onto your shorts, your 401K is about to enter a death spiral steeper than an Acapulco cliff diver.”  Luckily, I have stumbled onto a new investment strategy – french bulldogs. As my loyal readers know, […]