I Can’t Touch My Cellphone But People Can Drive Down the Freeway with Ladies’ Legs Sticking Out the Top of Their Cars?!

Oregon has a new law forbidding the use of cellphones while driving.  It’s extremely strict.  In fact, it’s so strict that even thinking about touching your phone while driving is punishable by death.  Okay, maybe not that strict, but darn close.  The first offense is a big fat fine.  The second offense is a bigger […]

Unless You’re Describing a Full-Bodied Coffee, Please, Please Stop Using the Word Robust

Attention “General Public”:  I’m not asking, I’m begging.  Unless you are describing a rich, full-bodied South American coffee, please, please, P-L-E-A-S-E, stop using the word robust every five seconds.  Cease and desist, people.  It’s getting brutal. Let’s stop for a moment and do some research.  The Oxford English Dictionary formally defines the word “Robust” as […]